Our Commitment

We would be honored to help fill the AV roles for you. We can only guarantee a low volume and high quality of candidates for consideration, who have been thoroughly vetted. We will never waste your time. And in our communications with the AV talent pool, we are out there advocating for your company with a level of sophistication that would make your sales team jealous.

Return on Investment

Every business owner looks at ROI before approving a vendor expense. There is no investment in HireSparks except for a little bit of your time. You know what the cost of having the position unfilled is per month or quarter or per project even. The cost of subbing work out is also considerable. But there is also a subjective cost to missing out on a new employee who will not only add value to the service you provide, but will otherwise go to your competition.

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Discover the essential insights into top-tier AV recruiting with HireSparks. Download and share this comprehensive overview with your team to streamline your hiring process and secure the best talent in the audio visual industry.

AV technology displaying a group of people sitting at a desk.

HireSparks is Your Best Recruiting Partner

Recruitment in our industry is challenging to say the least and it’s important to get it right.  We have a proven track record of filling nearly 90% of the jobs that we are tasked with, and we exclusively employ long term audio-visual recruiters who focus on the AV Manufacturers and Integrators market. With over 90,000 logged calls with individual professionals in this market, we truly maximize your talent outreach.

Contact us now at (833) 2HIREAV

The benefits HireSparks will offer

Cost Savings

We have allocations on all the top job boards, so you can ensure that your job advert is in the correct place. Examining resumes and having initial talks costs money, then not only is that cost reduced, but we also have the ability to help negotiate the best salary (giving both guidance and advice on what is fair pay) resulting in a greater chance of hiring the top candidate.

Expertise: Market Knowledge

Often, your candidate requirements may be specific and difficult to find; this is where HireSparks ’s expertise and market knowledge proves to be priceless. Once we have developed a relationship and trust, your future hiring will be easier as we will be aware of the qualities that are needed to make the right fit within your business. We will be your partner and collaborator and will be your eyes and ears in the market.

Saves Time

Time is money; however, HireSparks will save you time. Save your business time because we take care of the initial steps in the hiring process. No more sifting through applications and CV’s, we will ensure that the time you spend in the application process is spent wisely on viewing that worth considering. It doesn’t end there; we will then schedule interviews and prepare the candidates with all the information they need – all you have to do is prepare and turn up!

Extended Reach for The Best Talent

We have access to the best talent available; this includes access to candidates that are actively seeking work, as well as talent that is currently employed elsewhere. If you work with us, you’re statistically more likely to access the best AV Professionals on the market.